Senior Software Engineer

New York, New York

Contact 🖋

+1 (917) 242-2614

Work experience 👩‍🚀

Peloton Interactive | Software Engineer

May 2020 - present

I am a software engineer at Peloton Interactive.

Casper | Senior Software Engineer

December 2018 - May 2020

At Casper I focused on the company’s digital products and serverless infrastructure.

Knewton | Software Engineer

December 2016 - December 2018

At Knewton I helped develop an AI-driven educational platform.

Arup Group | Full-stack developer

August 2014 - December 2016

Arup is a multidisciplinary engineering firm at which I helped apply digital solutions to a wide array of challenges.

Education 🎓

Clemson University | B.S., Mechanical Engineering

Projects 🚀

NASA Lunar and sand traction

Skills 🕶

JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Node.js, Webpack, React, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo, Docker, CI/CD, web accessibility, web performance, Redis, Elasticsearch, Splunk, Java, AWS, Firebase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, interested: mobile, Elixir, Go, PWA